Same-Day Ultrasound in College Park, Maryland

same-day ultrasound

An ultrasound is an important diagnostic tool used by your gynecologist or obstetrician. While most women think they are done only during pregnancy, the truth is they can be used at any time to diagnose many conditions related to your reproductive organs and pelvic region. If you’ve never had an ultrasound before, it can help to ease your mind if you know what they are and how to prepare. Here’s what you can expect during a same-day ultrasound in College Park, Maryland. 

What Is an Ultrasound?

It’s a test that uses sound waves to provide a visual image of internal anatomy. They can be performed externally (transabdominal) with a handheld device laid on your abdomen and pelvic area or internally (transvaginal) with a device that is gently inserted into your vagina. 

If I’m Not Pregnant, Why Would I Need This Test?

Depending on your symptoms, your gynecologist might suggest an ultrasound to check for abnormalities present in your organs, cancerous or non-cancerous growths, fertility issues, causes of vaginal bleeding, or placement of an IUD (intrauterine device). 

How Do I Prepare?

Your doctor will give you instructions on how to prepare for your procedure. Be sure you follow them carefully so as to not interfere with the results. 

An ultrasound requires a full bladder. About 90 minutes before your appointment, you should urinate. Then, drink at least 8 ounces of water or other hydrating beverage an hour before your appointment. Wearing a two-piece outfit will help as well since it makes it easier for your provider to access your abdominal/pelvic area.

What Happens During an Ultrasound? Are They Painful?

It’s normal to feel nervous if this is your first time having an ultrasound. It will help ease some of your stress if you know what to expect

If you are having an external ultrasound, you’ll be asked to lay back on an exam table. Gel will be applied to help for easier movement of sound waves. A device will then be moved across your belly. 

During an internal ultrasound, you will be asked to undress from the waist down and given a gown or blanket to cover with. You’ll lay back on an exam table and put your feet into stirrups. A thin wand is gently inserted into your vagina and moved around slightly. 

You should not feel pain while having an ultrasound. You might feel a little pressure and a bit uncomfortable from a full bladder, but it shouldn’t hurt. 

If I’m Pregnant, When Can I Expect My First Ultrasound?

As a general rule, a first-trimester isn’t standard practice since it’s too early for you and your obstetrician to actually see your baby in detail. However, it can be done anytime during the first 14 weeks of your pregnancy when necessary. 

Your first ultrasound can provide important information about your pregnancy including but not limited to making sure the fetus is inside the uterus, checking your baby’s heartbeat, and estimating a due date.

Will I Have an Ultrasound During My Second and Third Trimesters?

You will. Your second-trimester ultrasound will likely occur sometime between 18 and 22 weeks. 

Your obstetrician will be checking the development of your baby’s organs, measure the size of your baby, make sure your level of amniotic fluid is normal, and essentially get an overall view of your baby’s health. If you want to know the sex of your baby, now is the time and it can be a truly exciting moment! 

During your third trimester ultrasound, which isn’t always done but may be scheduled between 28 and 36 weeks, your obstetrician will still be monitoring your baby’s growth and development. This is helpful as you get nearer to delivery in making sure your baby is in the right position. 

It is important to note that every patient is different, and it is possible to have ultrasounds more often. This is especially true if there is a history of birth defects, an issue with bleeding during pregnancy, or if you’re carrying more than one baby. 

A same-day ultrasound in College Park, Maryland can also be part of testing, such as chorionic villus sampling (CVS) and amniocentesis, to check for certain conditions that occur during pregnancy.

Are Ultrasounds Safe?

Because ultrasounds rely on sound waves and not radiation, they are considered safe. Currently, there are no links between ultrasounds and birth defects or childhood developmental issues. 

While there is no hard and fast rule regarding how many ultrasounds you can have during pregnancy, the American College of Gynecologists and Obstetricians (ACOG) does recommend limiting the number of ultrasounds you have to two, unless more are medically necessary. 

There is some concern among ACOG and the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) about the overuse of ultrasounds. This is because too many can lead to inaccurate results, such as wrong calculations of a baby’s size and/or weight. 

If it is suggested you have more than two ultrasounds during your pregnancy, it is best to ask if they are absolutely necessary. 

Choose Women’s HealthCare Specialists for Your Same-Day Ultrasound in College Park, Maryland!

If you are searching for top-notch comprehensive care, board-certified Dr, Navita Modi and team are here to help. We combine state-of-the-art technology with traditional healthcare for women of all ages and stages of life. 

Contact us at 301-812-3400 to book your appointment. We look forward to meeting you and being part of your healthcare team!

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