Best GYN in Arlington, Virginia

best GYN in arlington

A gynecologist is one of the most important doctors in a woman’s life, no matter what stage of it you’re in. If your doctor makes you feel unsafe or unheard, or you just want to switch to a new provider, you’re not alone. Here are the top signs that you need to switch to the best gyn in Arlington, Virginia!

Your Appointments Feel Rushed and/or Lack Answers

There are only so many hours in a day that a provider can attend to their patients, but that doesn’t mean they should basically force you out the door the second your appointment begins. It’s even worse if you wait hours to be seen – another red flag – only to walk away with little to no answers.

Your Questions or Concerns Are Dismissed or Receive Inaccurate Responses

One of the most important duties a doctor has is to answer questions accurately and in a way that you can understand, no matter what that question is. If you are experiencing a complication or concern and your current provider brushes it off, this can result in serious health consequences.

A good gynecologist won’t dismiss your problems and will do their absolute best to diagnose them as accurately as possible.

Your Current Gynecologist Doesn’t Respect Your Opinions or Comfort

Bodily autonomy is something women have had to fight for, and it seems that fight continues, even in spaces designed for you and your well-being. There’s a difference between using their extensive knowledge to point you in the right direction and outright ignoring how you would prefer to handle personal decisions.

Healthcare like birth control, birthing plans, medical procedures, and medications are ultimately up to you, and your gynecologist should help you to make the right choice for your body.

Your Gynecologist Is Rude, Ignores You, or Treats You Like a Child

A good bedside manner is a must with any doctor, but especially one that deals with such personal, intimate matters that can leave you feeling vulnerable and even embarrassed at times. It’s true that the medical field is a stressful one, however, it’s no excuse to be rude or inattentive.

Additionally, you should be treated appropriately and according to your age. They should not solely direct questions or advice to your partner or legal guardian, and they should always involve you in the conversation.

Your Concerns Have Become More Complex and Require Specialized Care

Choosing a gynecologist becomes slightly more difficult if your medical problems have become complex. You might have a great provider currently, but they may be unable to help you with specific conditions like endometriosis or menopause.

In this case, the best gyn in Arlington, Virginia for you is someone who has specialties in your condition or medical needs, so start your search with that in mind.

You Simply Want to Make the Change to a New, Better Doctor

It’s really that simple. You don’t necessarily need to have a horrible experience or any reason at all for switching to a new healthcare provider. After all, it’s your health, which means it’s ultimately your decision who you decide to visit for medical services. Trust your gut, and go with what makes you comfortable.

No Matter Your Reason for Switching, You’ll Find the Best Gyn in Arlington, Virginia at Women’s HealthCare Specialists in Nearby Alexandria!

Dr. Navita Modi is the leading OB/GYN that is proudly and happily serving patients in Maryland and Virginia including Arlington! We offer many women’s healthcare services, from pregnancy care to minimally invasive surgeries, to help you take control of your feminine health. Schedule your visit today by calling 301-812-3400!

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